About ISE - I Study English

At ISE, we try to understandand & offer each learner
personalized learning paths, because
You are different and unique.

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Exclusive international curriculum

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Experienced Native and Vietnamese

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Fluent in English


Becoming one of the leading organizations providing academic solutions to adults, using Personalized method.


Accompanying generations of Vietnamese in the pursuit of English proficiency and global citizenship.

Strategic Investor and Exclusive curriculum

ISE applies exclusive international curriculum researched and developed by Carrot Global Inc., which now has offices in 6 countries worldwide.

Carrot Global Inc. is the leading corporation in Korea providing global education and training services with over 20 years of experience.


For busy adults, receptivity works best when the curriculum is specifically and flexibly designed so that the learner can take control over the process.

Applying the Andragogy method, ISE focuses on the learner, promoting initiative and concentration. Combined with the PRODUCTIVE ENGLISH METHODOLOGY – ACTIVE ENGLISH method and exclusive curriculum, ISE not only changes the traditional way of learning, but also creates an environment for students to experience speaking and listening in 100% English.

Understanding each student’s strengths and weaknesses, closely monitoring and evaluating, providing a wide range of English courses – from basic communication to advanced academic – with guaranteed quality and reasonable cost are the commitments that ISE brings to students.

management team

Why choose ISE?


Exclusive international curriculum

From Carrot Global - an educational investor with more than 20 years of experience. The system of lessons is diverse and suitable for each different learner.

Enthusiastic teachers and tutors

Interact with teaching assistants before class. Teachers and tutors support review and supplement knowledge outside of classroom hours. 1-on-1 mentoring and orientation with a language expert.

Commitment by contract

Students are allowed to retake the course for free if they do not meet the output standards as committed from the training contract.

Interesting extracurricular activities

Various extracurricular activities and attractive playgrounds help students confidently communicate and apply the knowledge they have learned.

Study method

Focus on learners: help learners actively choose a flexible and appropriate study time. Support students to actively research the lesson before going to class.

Study environment

Promote interactivity, put communication and language skills into practice. For communicative English programs, students do not have to rely too much on books but acquire knowledge naturally through practice.

Free consulting and
level testing

* We are committed to using the information for consulting purposes only and not for business purposes.